Quick Start
Get up and running with Pixie Bolt AI in a few minutes!
Use these steps to create your first output using Pixie Bolt AI.
Go to the CyberBrokers Discord.
Go to one of the channels in the Pixie Bolt Category.
Use the slash command /dream to get started.
Start typing /dream into Discord.
You can select from list, or use tab character if auto-selected.
Fill out the prompt with the text you want to visualize.
Let's use "frozen tundra, (snow covered bunker)++".
Click more, select model from options.
Select cb-spice-tpl from the list.
Click the Enter key.
Your submission will be added to the queue for processing. Once done, you will see an output like this.
📏 the image size in pixels
🌱 the seed number for this creation. See Advanced Prompts for more information
⏱️ the elapsed amount of time it took to create the image
📀 the AI model used
🎲 / ReDream - the same exact settings, get a new random seed to get a different result.
✏️ / Edit Prompt - edit the prompt and resubmit while keeping the seed number
📀 / Model - keep the same prompt & seed, change the AI model used, and resubmit
📏 - change the size of the image
Docs - this documentation
Last updated