Usage Policy
By using Pixie Bolt AI you are agreeing to the following terms & conditions.
The Pixie Bolt AI service is provided to CyberBroker holders for use under the following terms and conditions.
Terms & Conditions
There is no fee for use of the service if terms and conditions are followed.
To access the service, you must own a CyberBrokers NFT and have the “CyberBroker” role in discord. You can receive the CyberBroker role in Discord through wallet verification in the #delegate-cash channel.
This service is solely for use in creating images related to the CyberBrokers project, Lore, Universe, and your own visions of it.
If posting on social media, please include the hashtags #CyberBrokers #PixieBoltAI
The service shall not be used to create illegal, offensive, or distasteful images.
The resulting images can be used for personal or commercial purposes. There are no restrictions.
CyberBrokers reserves the right to limit holders to a daily or weekly usage limit to ensure all holders have equal access to the service.
Last updated